Families of the Sambhar Salt Lake,

Salt Flats, near Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Historical Sambhar Lake Town

26°54'30.6"N, 75°10'26.0"

Commissioned Work

As a photographer, I am always on the lookout for new and unique locations to capture with my camera. So, when I saw an image of the Sambhar Salt Lake near Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, posted by photographer Pie Aerts on Instagram, I knew I had to check it out.

I was on my way to India with Studio M for a commissioned project with Goodweave International when I saw Aerts' image. I knew we would be in the area, so I decided to make the trip to the salt flats in Sambhar, which was only a five-hour drive away.

Located in the historical Sambhar Lake Town, the Sambhar Salt Lake is one of India's largest inland saltwater lakes. The salt flats, which cover an area of approximately 190 square kilometers, are a sight to behold. The stark white salt formations contrast beautifully against the blue sky, creating a surreal and otherworldly landscape.

But what made my experience at the Sambhar Salt Lake truly special was the opportunity to meet and photograph the families who live and work in the area. These families have been involved in salt production for generations and have a deep connection to the land and its history.

As I walked around the salt flats, I saw men and women working hard to harvest salt using traditional methods. Some were raking salt from the surface of the lake, while others were transporting it in baskets on their heads. I even saw children helping their parents with the work.

Despite the harsh conditions and physically demanding work, the families of the Sambhar Salt Lake were incredibly welcoming and friendly. They were proud to show us their way of life and share their stories with us.

As a photographer, I felt incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to capture the beauty and culture of the Sambhar Salt Lake and the families who call it home. It was an unforgettable experience that I will treasure for years to come.

*All images © Ollie Jones Photography Limited. No image may be copied, modified or distributed without licence.


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