Jersey Dairy

Jersey, Channel Islands

Location: Jersey, British Crown Dependency in the English Channel, off the coast of Normandy, France.

49.2144° N, 2.1313° W.

Commissioned Work

I am thrilled to have been part of this exciting project with Jersey Dairy. As a local Jersey boy, it has been an honor to work alongside some of the hardworking and dedicated farmers who provide us with 14 million liters of fresh Jersey milk each year.

As a farmer-owned co-operative, Jersey Dairy takes pride in every aspect of the milk's journey, from the grass to the glass. The dairy farmers are the heart and soul of this cooperative, and they play a vital role in ensuring that the milk is of the highest quality. I have seen firsthand the love and care that these farmers have for their Jersey cows, and it's evident in the nutritious and delicious Jersey milk that they produce.

I am excited to introduce you to some of these incredible farmers through my photography. Each photo captures the passion and commitment that these farmers have to their craft. I hope that through these images, you can get a glimpse into the world of Jersey Dairy and the amazing work that goes into producing this fantastic product.


Salt Flats Shambhar, India