Surf Culture Portraits

Location: St. Ouen's Bay Beach, which is located on the west coast of the island of Jersey, in the Channel Islands.

Latitude: 49.2187° N Longitude: 2.2401° W

Surfing has been a beloved pastime in Jersey for over eighty years. With its warm gulf stream and powerful Atlantic swells, there's no better feeling than paddling out to catch clean waves. It's a sport that captures the hearts of those who try it, and it's no wonder that in the 1960s, thousands flocked to St. Ouen's Bay to watch the British Surfing Team ride their boards.

But the surf scene in Jersey isn't just a thing of the past. Today, a new generation of talented surfers is emerging, and I'm lucky enough to witness it firsthand. I've seen young, local Jersey men and women compete and win in European surf competitions, and it fills me with pride to see the legacy of the sport carried on by the next generation.

These portraits are a tribute to the sport of surfing, and to my daughter, who is also a talented surfer in her own right. I hope they inspire others to take up the sport and experience the thrill of riding the waves for themselves


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