Jasmin Taylor - Madhatter - Volcom W20

Meet Jasmin Taylor, a female skater. I met Jasmin in a local skate park while skating with my children. I immediately knew she will be the perfect person for my upcoming Volcom shoot with Madhatter.

She is 20 years old and currently works in a local hospital's radiology department. We planned this shoot for the beginning of October to capture some stunning images of her doing her thing while wearing Volcom's Winter collection. Jasmin visited Madhatter's town shop to pick her favourite outfits from her favourite brand. Jasmin, of course, picked Volcom, sharing that her dad has worn it since she was a little girl, so it has always stuck out to her as a brand. She thinks all Volcom clothing is super comfy and long-lasting with sick designs too!

We asked Jasmin who and what got her into skating, to which she answered:

"I've always been around people who skate since I was maybe 14/15, so I see the happiness people get from it. I've travelled around a bit too, and everywhere I go, I've always been fascinated watching people skate and then this year, I went to a big skate park in Bali, Indonesia, and I just decided when I was coming home, I needed to pick it up."

Instagram: @jasmintaylorrrr

*All images © Ollie Jones Photography, Jones Creative Limited. No image may be copied, modified or distributed without licence.


Sama Bags, Madhatter, Billabong W20 Shoot


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